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How Docyt Accounting Automation Software Works

Docyt tames the chaos in your back office by collecting data and organizing it into actionable workflows, real-time business insights, and continuously updating and reconciling your accounting software.

Docyt Process
Infographic explaining how Docyt collects data



Docyt actively and passively collects data.

  • Bank feeds and POS revenue reports: Docyt retrieves them directly.
  • Bills and receipts: You can scan, photograph, or email them to Docyt.
  • Integrations: Docyt retrieves data from payroll systems and accounting software.



Then, the magic happens.

Once Docyt receives your data, it extracts, identifies, and organizes the data into actionable workflows within the Docyt app.

Infographic explaining how Docyt organizes data



Now you can quickly take care of business!

Bill Pay feature in Docyt

Need to pay a bill?
Go to Accounts Payable.

Receipt Capture

Need to pay a bill?
Go to Accounts Payable.

Expense Reports feature in Docyt

Need to pay a bill?
Go to Accounts Payable.

Reconciliation Center feature in Docyt

Need to pay a bill?
Go to Accounts Payable.

Real-time financial statements including cash flow, profit and loss, balance sheet



Since Docyt’s AI is 24/7, it provides continuous reconciliation of your accounting software and real-time insights into your company’s performance.

  • Cash Flow
  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and Loss



Docyt gives you a competitive advantage.

With real-time insights, you can quickly make smart adjustments to your business.

  • Trim unnecessary expenses.
  • Invest in select activities to grow your business.
  • Order the right amount of inventory for the next day or the next month.
  • Schedule employees to meet demand.
Adapt to change with real-time insights to inform decisions
Share Docyt workflows with your team and increase engagement



Docyt is built to be social. Invite your employees, service providers, clients, and business partners into your Docyt.

  • Choose access levels through roles and permissions.
  • Move workflows faster.
  • Share real-time metrics to get alignment and gain momentum.
  • Increase engagement and satisfaction across your business

Going Beyond

Docyt goes beyond accounting software by providing:

Large Checkmark

Native, all-in-one functionality - bill pay, expense reports, receipt capture, document storage, and collaboration tools.

Large Checkmark

Industry-specific financial reports and metrics.

Large Checkmark

Enterprise-class multi-entity management and reporting.


  • Your data resides in your accounting software.
  • Docyt has bi-directional sync.
  • Your accounting software is your system of record


QuickBooks Online

Coming Soon

QuickBooks Desktop and Xero

Automate your accounting.

Docyt AI
