The Docyt team has responded to your feedback! Over the next 5 weeks, we’ll be sharing the major product updates we’ve made so far in 2022. Today, we’re discussing spend management, a crucial area where you can control expenses and pay bills faster. Let’s get into it!
New shortcuts in Spend Management
Now you can:
- Assign income accounts when categorizing invoices and receipts.
- Easily change the chart of account for approved receipts.
- Bulk forward invoices and receipts from Accounts Payable and Receipt Box to other modules.
Pay Via Vendor Credit
- Accounts Payable module
Benefits: No need to pay vendors in QuickBooks anymore. Now you can match up and pay vendor invoices with the exact amount without ever leaving Docyt.
- Go to Accounts Payable Module > Invoice Queue
- Locate the correct invoice
- In the dropdown, select “Mark as paid” > Vendor Credit

Consolidate Vendor Reports
- Data Export module
Benefits: Get a complete view of your vendor expenses across all locations.
- In Global Header, select “Data Export”
- Click the plus sign at the top right
- Under Export Type, select “Complete Vendors List”
- Under Businesses, select those you would like to include
- Click on “Export Data.”

Self-Print Check
- Accounts Payable module
Easily generate PDF checks that can be printed on standard check stock from any location. Checks are authorized from the cloud and printed by your manager with an authorized digital signature. No need to sign the checks! Docyt also manages the check numbers and flags any unauthorized checks.
- Go to Accounts Payable > Invoice Queue > in the invoice dropdown menu, select ‘Pay by Docyt Check’
- Click the three dots next to “activity” on the top right-hand side of the screen > Select “Self-Print Check”
- Click on “Generate Check” > Enter the security code sent to your Docyt email on file > Select “Generate Payment”
- Prior to printing, be sure that you are using the appropriate check stock paper accepted by local banking institutions
- Checks will be available in “Check Register,” in case you need to reprint or view the check again
*Existing customers – Email to get your account set up with self-print check.

Keep an eye out for next week’s update, where you’ll learn about the Docyt Business Network!
Kind regards,
The Docyt Team