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AI-Powered Mid-Year Financial Check-Up for Hospitality Professionals

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Taking the time to assess the mid-year financial status of any hospitality operation critically makes good sense. This review gives you a clear picture of your current situation against your forecasts, allows you to adjust your plan if necessary, and prepares you to remain on track for the rest of the year. However, the old […]

Optimizing Your Midyear Checklist for Accounting with AI Integration

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As we near the midpoint of the year, it is imperative that you critically review your financials to stay in line with your business goals. A mid-year accounting checklist will help you continue to streamline operations and ensure you are setting yourself up to make the most of the second half of the year. AI […]

12 Very Effective Ways To Use AI in Accounting

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Hey there, accountants! We understand that the accounting field is forever changing, and keeping up with the latest technologies—in addition to policies, rules, and regulations—feels like a full-time job. Want to know how to use AI in accounting to level up your accounting game in less time and with fewer errors? Docyt has put together […]

Introducing GARY! The World’s First AI Bookkeeper


Santa Clara, CA – July 16, 2024—Docyt, the frontrunner in AI-driven accounting automation technology, is excited to introduce GARY, the world’s first AI bookkeeper. GARY combines Precision and Predictive AI models with Generative AI tools to streamline the digital back office for small and midsize businesses. It automates manual bookkeeping processes and accelerates the month-end […]

Why You Need to Know Your Real-Time Cash Flow at All Times

Why You Need To Know Your Real Time Cash Flow At All Times

Cash flow is important, especially for small businesses. Not just any cash flow—we’re talking about knowing exactly what you have down to the penny and in real-time…live insights into where your money is coming from and going to. Why is cash flow important? This isn’t just about keeping your business alive; it’s about making it […]

The Smart Approach to Data Reconciliation: Docyt’s AI & Machine Learning Solution 

The Smart Approach To Data Reconciliation Docyt’s Ai & Machine Learning Solution 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are pivotal in the rapidly developing accounting and bookkeeping sectors…and the future is bright. Data reconciliation with machine learning is just one of the many benefits of Docyt AI, a force in the modern era of AI-powered bookkeeping automation, revolutionizing reconciliation with groundbreaking efficiency. Accounting data reconciliation is […]

15 ChatGPT Prompts for Savvy Accountants

15 Chatgpt Prompts For Savvy Accountants

Savvy accountants are keenly aware that keeping up with the latest technological developments is a necessary part of staying competitive in the industry. ChatGPT, the latest generation of generative AI tools, is an important resource for accountants looking for quick answers to complex questions, an overview of financial data, or a way to automate routine […]

June 2024 Product Updates

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Compliance Policy | New Rules & Restrictions Invoice Approvals 🛂 Docyt users can set up extra rules and restrictions for users who upload invoices. Designate a different user as the invoice “Approver,” or set up a specific rule for automatic approval based on invoice amounts or types, ensuring no self-approved expenses slip through. Learn […]

Bridging Your Cash Flow Statement and Expense Management with AI

Bridging Your Cash Flow Statement and Expense Management With AI

Managing expenses and cash flow is the lifeline to financial health, sustainability, and future growth. Understanding the relationship between these two concepts and AI technology like Docyt can dramatically improve this process. Learn how AI facilitates a deeper understanding of cash flow and improves expense management strategies. Let’s explore. The Relationship Between Cash Flow and […]

Make This Your Last Bad Tax Season: Adopt AI for Taxes

Now that that whirlwind is over, it is time to take a deep breath and look ahead. The post-tax season always represents an excellent opportunity to step back and reconsider the organization’s strategy, preparing it for a more efficient and productive year ahead. This transition can be made significantly smoother using AI-driven tax tools.  Here’s […]

AI’s Powerful Impact on Small Business Failure Statistics

Ai’s Powerful Impact On Small Business Failure Statistics

Did you know that 90% of all small business start-ups fail? With that being said, small business failure statistics are much more than numbers; clearly, they indicate a host of struggles that an entrepreneur faces while traversing the market on their journey toward their lifelong dream. Statistically speaking, a startup’s-number one failing point is money, […]

Data Reconciliation’s Role in Accounting: Exploring AI Payment Reconciliation

Data Reconciliation's Role In Accounting Exploring Ai Payment Reconciliation

Data reconciliation in accounting is not at all a backstage activity; it’s a frontline warrior in the fight for financial accuracy and integrity. Every time we talk about accounting data reconciliation, we witness a financial miracle: every digit in your financial records stacks up to the last decimal place. But why is this level of […]

Docyt AI
